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My conversation with META as a content creator

business marketing Sep 17, 2024



What we know for sure about the Instagram Algorithm 


There are so many "experts" on Instagram claiming to know the ins and outs of the algorithm. Realistically, no one can entirely predict the algorithm, but we do know a LOT about what works or not. Coupled with reading our "stats" from the professional dashboard, and doing more of what went well, we can see the results we need- with a little trial and error along the way!

A big mistake people make all the time- is the focus on growth content- we do not need to keep growing our account if we have enough followers to convert into the sales we need. We do not need thousands of followers abroad if we are teaching in person!

The best approach if you are looking for growth content (ie to increase your following) is to see what has done best of your content- and repeat the formula, only make it a little bit better each time! You can use the professional dashboard to see the full stats- you need a creator or business account to do this. You can also check what else has done really well in your niche and borrow someone else's reels formula- remembering to credit them for the inspiration in your caption. This approach is called "modelling" ie you take the timing, the feel, the general idea of their content and re-model it to fit your audience. 

However, if you are looking for more students to actually come to class, the approach is entirely different. From a marketing perspective the most important thing is that your posts do what you need them to do. Theres no point having a massive following if it doesn’t support your business! This is the difference between marketing and a marketing strategy. More on this next time.

But for now, here is what I can tell you for sure, based on what the people at META told me in my creators call this month, with some added experience from me! Here’s what I found out: 


1️⃣ THEORY Meta told me the algorithm is favouring videos of about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Presumably they want be spending longer on the app. and so are encouraging longer videos.

IN PRACTICE reels that do really well are viewed more than once through by a lot of viewers, so if you make a longer video, we need all the tricks to make it super engaging which is harder!

HOW to do a 30 second + video:

The easiest way is to use some storytelling techniques to keep people engaged and have a promise of what’s gonna come, sometimes called a Hook which only gets resolved at the end so people are invested enough to stay.


Some "Hooks" (words on the screen initially) that work well for this are:

1. x vs. y- here's one I just posted it did not soar- but it did get across a key message I want to share, AND it is preparing my audience for when I open my Movement Science online course- so there's a plan I am following!

Here is the same type of reel- a "vs" reel that went viral, BUT was a growth reel ie gained me followers BUT it is not as directly related into my niche- more shows my humour!

2. The "Stop" or "Don't" or even better "Don't do this before you also do this" reel formula- is a good way to get attention 

3. Anything that suggests a before and after. Reinforce the need to stay till the end with a caption that starts with something like "I can't believe how this turned out" so the FOMO kicks in- you feel you need to see the end of the reel. 


I have a new marketing course- Authentic Yoga marketing, plus the Social Savvy course with all the strategies teachers need for socials. I break down 12 different reel formats, which can work for growth content or for sales also. If you'd like to receive the opening offers, when booking is about to open make sure you are on the waiting list!  


2️⃣ The primary metric right now is VIEWS-

ie the most important thing for the algorithm to continue pushing the post out is whether it is watched through. BUT of course- if your post is commented on & saved many times- this works to 1. Increase views while it’s being commented on/ people reading comments; and 2. when its saved & revisited views go up.


Make the reel as informative or engaging as possible. e.g. something cute/ funny/ unexpected- a mystery reveal- so people want to watch to the end and watch more than once.

Make it really valuable to your audience. What do they need to know? Or what will they really relate to?

Make a list people might need  in the caption or on the screen so they watch it through more than once

Add some screen shots of your notes they might want to watch again so they can photo them?



3️⃣ Hashtags- ignore anyone telling you to NOT use them.

I see this advice often in insta. But on the call they said to use them very specifically. It doesn't matter how many BUT be sure to use ones that are the MOST relevant. One things that is SO misunderstood about hashtags is that they are signposts, so if you teach in a tiny village and you put #yogamytinyvillagename and its the first time ever used- THAT IS PERFECT! because whenever any local looks for yoga in that village they will find YOUY and you alone!

So veer away from the # with millions and create some new or find ones really relevant to you. 



4️⃣ Should I engage before of after I post?

META advised me that immediate engagement does support the post doing really well and getting pushed out more. So engaging with others is not a mystery reward by the algorithm but simply a way to remind people you are there! Many people reply to comments immediately but wait till the next day to go back and "like" the comment in the hope it will tell followers you are online so to go see what you've posted. 

Especially before your account is big enough to reach far, it makes sense to seek out and connect with peers you relate to and whose work you enjoy. This way you develop a few "insta friends" who support each other in a genuine way.



5️⃣ SETTINGS- Another one I see insta marketers promoting all the time on instagram is to set the settings on your laptop so that instead of the your reels going to your Facebook Page, they get sent to new accounts (non followers) on instagram. So settings to “show on Facebook accounts” rather than share to my Facebook page. YES this does help your post reach more accounts. BUT if you are looking to sell eg as you launch a course/ retreat- switch it back into sharing to your page as this will nurture along your already “warm audience”. Ie those who already know you.


There is so much going on with social media and it's so easy to get caught up in it- it's addictive OR frustrated and give up. The ideal is to know what you need it for and to create a few posts that clearly state what you do and who you work with so that when someone finds you they can see- oh this is EXACTLY what I've been looking for. 




➡️ The Authentic Yoga Marketing Course shares everything I learnt (the hard way) in running a yoga studio & self- employed person for 10 years before that. It is a chance to have the yoga-business you really want. I LOVE to see teachers really thrive. With he 14 day refund guarantee you can buy risk free and see if its for you. AUTUMN OFFER on  opens Oct. 7th. Limited places & waiting list is looking busy so do follow the link above to join the list. Also those on the waiting list are going to receive an irresistible offer!!! More soon.

➡️I have created some more free resources I will be sharing soon so sign up to newsletters if you have not already! 


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