The Art of Adapting & Adjusting Asana

4 places remaining

15 - 17 May 2025 + online content

Would you love to know how to adapt the postures to suit all your students? To understand how to use props, or touch, or ask students to “self adjust”?

Learn how you can deliver a more effective yoga class by combining adaptations and adjustments in ways that empowers your students. We cover strategic development of postures within each “family of poses” so that you can teach a class that accommodates different movement- needs.

We also cover hands-on skills, which can support physical & mental health through novel input to the nervous system. The brain maps the body, but when our brain maps become fuzzy we tend to feel pain. We sometimes need a new approach to help us find a more easeful movement pattern.

An effective adjustment can be one of the most enlightening experiences for a yoga student; the power of touch can convey something that is otherwise inaccessible. As humans we all have our “blind spots”, and adjustments can be eye opening. This course is literally “hands on” with a wide range of adjustments being taught, there is plenty of opportunity to practice with other individuals in the class as well as a small group of volunteer students who offer their support. This gives you plenty of opportunity to hone your new skills.

We will explore how to adjust students with great sensitivity and how to help students in gaining awareness of their restrictions or hypermobility. You will learn to adjust in a way that empowers the student and increases their own awareness of their mind-body. We will explore what it means to adjust in depth as well as how to give confident but sensitive physical adjustments.

Gain confidence as you understand a movement positive approach which encourages movement as essentially health giving, with no fear-mongering about “dangerous” alignment.

This course includes:

  • A full exploration of prop supported poses & hands on assists to suit all different students.
  • Verbal adjustments - how to describe the pose accurately so that the whole class has the best chance to come into the pose well.
  • Class management- how to recognize the student most in need of adjustment & plan the poses to be most suitable for the students.
  • How to teach with the use of props & have students move to adapt their own poses. This can work well with a trauma sensitive approach.
  • Why, when and how to give an adjustment, and when to “leave alone”.
  • The healing nature of physical touch – experience of the prana.
  • Knowledge of the functional anatomy, underlying restrictions in the physical body and how to support students to release these restrictions.
  • Suitable touch & trauma sensitive teaching – how to tell if an adjustment is suitable on both the physical and emotional level.
  • A evidence based movement positive approach- how different alignment of poses is not necessarily injurious but also offers opportunities for the body to strengthen.

The Art of Adapting & Adjusting Asana


15 - 17 May 2025
+ online content

40 CPD hours

Yoga Alliance UK approved

Small group course

Suitable for yoga teachers and experienced yogis

Monthly payment plans available

Training days are 9am-5pm, with 1 hour for lunch.     

Online content explores: 

How adjustments and adapted poses help map the body in the brain & alleviate pain

Detailed breakdown adjustments and supported poses

Sequencing for  optimal postural awareness and alignment

The science of touch, movement science related to body mind connection and the nervous system

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Learn how to adjust with confidence, in a trauma sensitive way

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“Absolutely inspirational place to learn and grow! Laura has such a depth of knowledge. Life changing experience here!”


“Laura brings so much knowledge of yoga, asana, the body, and how we, as teachers, can support our students to learn more about themselves. Fun, informative, and highly reccomended.”


"A very informative and playful course that gets deep into understading the body, how to deepen the practice and respecting the practice in play. Loved the 'hands on' element of the course.”

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions that aren't answered below, need more information, or just want to chat about the course and whether it's right for you, use the link below to book a chat.

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Learn how to adjust with confidence, in a trauma sensitive way

This intensive is next running 15 - 17 May 2025, so don’t miss out.

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